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Art by Scott “Wizardfool” Stearns
The World is going through changes, this has effected the Music industry greatly, especially for an independent band like us. We had to cancel our European tour, that means no shows, no merch table. Quite honestly we are struggling. It’s at times like these we are asking for your help, in return we’re offering a Win/Win situation, our biggest bundle of music for ridiculously cheap, 50% OFF!
This special Bundle includes our Premier Album ‘LORE’, a conceptual album representing the stages of the Hero’s Journey! Next our Remix & Demos pack, featuring mixes that you can only get here, a Witch House remix by Plvgues and the Destructive remix by Leigh Rockey, plus early demos, extended and different edits of songs from ‘Lore’. Finally the cherry on top, for the very first time we are offering three never to be released mixes from our 2nd album ‘INFERNO” Inspired by Dante’s Inferno. ‘Glasya’s Heresy’ full strings, ‘Escape the Inferno’ Choral instrumental and the Rhythm Guitar edit of ‘Journey into Limbo’. Versions not available on the ‘INFERNO’ EP or LP!
When we stared writing music for Dispel back in 2017, we didn’t fully have a game plan, but we had a vision and a dedication to creating something worth the effort. We hoped for a little luck along the way. Writing music is such a Soul searching endeavor, you really have to bare it all. We feel that we are reaching people, but due to unforeseen circumstances that literally changed the World, we are not able to interact with our fans/friends/tribe. Live shows were crucial to connecting, interacting and a valuable source of income. So we’re reaching out to you, since we can’t hang with you at the show, share laughs at the merch table, or over a beverage. The best we can do if offer up this special deal, a lot of music for a great price. This will help us to continue to create the music, the imagery, and atmosphere that we want to share with others like you…
Available Worldwide through PayPal Check out.