One Step back, a Giant leap forward

Dispel Music Inferno Album

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Greetings, Fellow Adventurer! Welcome, and thank you for joining us on this epic quest. What quest, you ask? The creation of music that rocks the soul, conjures fantastic visions, and ignites the imagination. Together, we embark on a journey through sound, a true adventure of the spirit! It’s been a long and winding road, my […]

Dante’s Inferno


Journey with us into Dante’s Inferno! The story behind our “Past the Gates EP” & “INFERNO” Album. Click here to Order!   Greetings friend, guessing you’ve heard of Dante’s Inferno? It’s a Masterpiece, and is widely considered to be one of the greatest works of world literature. It was written between 1308-1320 by ‘the supreme […]