One Step back, a Giant leap forward

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Dispel Music Inferno Album

Dispel – ‘Inferno’

Greetings, Fellow Adventurer!

Welcome, and thank you for joining us on this epic quest. What quest, you ask? The creation of music that rocks the soul, conjures fantastic visions, and ignites the imagination. Together, we embark on a journey through sound, a true adventure of the spirit!

It’s been a long and winding road, my friend, filled with lessons and challenges. From overcoming tremendous setbacks to navigating financial demands, enduring long-distance rehearsals, and conquering technical hurdles, we’ve faced it all. Yet, through it all, the vision remains unshaken, and the fellowship stands strong. With your support, though distant, we are united!

When we think of music—its melodies, rhythms, and how they coalesce into a powerful harmony—we must ask, why does it move us so deeply? Music is esoteric, a mystery we all seek to understand. Like gazing upon a piece of art or peering through a stained glass window, it captures us, if only for a moment. It’s a fleeting glimpse into the unknown, calling to us from a deeper dimension, an eternal echo of the undiscoverable.

Stained glass Cathedral - Dispel

Stained glass Cathedral, Dispel gates of the Inferno

Though Dispel was born relatively recently in 2017, it took a lifetime of dedication to music to reach this point. Like a seasoned knight who begins as a humble page, or the apprentice who eventually becomes a wizard (think Black Sabbath), it’s through hard work, paying tough dues, and countless failures that a craft is perfected. Can you relate? Call it practice, training, studying, or learning—it’s all out there for you. Choose your discipline, your passion, your path!

Before Dispel came to life, I spent years playing in various bands, searching for the sound that resonated with my soul. Dispel became the music I always wanted to hear: heavy guitars, powerful synths, strong basslines, and drum rhythms that were both engaging and thrilling to play. And then there was the voice—a beautiful, ethereal voice to balance the heaviness, a voice like an angel: Ravensea.

We met, of all places, at a drum circle inside a cathedral. Call it fate, or perhaps faith—it felt like both.

Zombies vs Angel - Dispel Inferno

Angel in Limbo- Dispel  Inferno

Music: The Echo of Creation

A band’s direction often takes on a life of its own, and that’s exactly how our imagery developed. We knew from the start that imaginative fantasy art would be a key element of Dispel—like an additional instrument woven into the fabric of the music. Growing up with a deep love for progressive and conceptual bands like Rush, Queensrÿche, and the godfathers of metal, Black Sabbath—and more modern inspirations like Ghost and The Sword—I was always drawn to the way art, imagery, and lyrics painted vivid pictures to support the music. These elements added layers of mystery and mystique, enriching the experience beyond sound alone.

When I began writing for Dispel, after spending a year teaching myself piano, those first few songs came without lyrics or a vocalist. Yet, I intuitively knew they would eventually coalesce into a united vision, much like the bands that inspired me. Writing, experimenting, pushing boundaries—it all felt like part of a greater process. Have you ever had a project, a goal, or a desire that made you feel this way? Where you just knew, despite the effort and uncertainty, that it would be worth it in the end?

Templar knight - Dispel LORE

Templar knight – Dispel LORE

Where to Begin: Building Our Mythology

We needed a foundation—a basis for our mythology, our LORE. And we found it in the Hero’s Journey. That became our story. After a lifetime of learning, it was time to step into the unknown, to take action. You must do this as well. Everyone carries a Hero’s Journey within them. Perhaps you’ve already stepped into the unknown, faced your trials, and emerged reborn—renewed, a better version of yourself. Like the Phoenix rising from its ashes, we all must be reborn.

On our first album, LORE, we explored deep mythological archetypes, drawing from the ancient stories of the Hero, most famously described in Greek mythology. These timeless narratives, brought to life by the legendary author and scholar Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, helped shape our creative vision. The journey on LORE was more than an album—it was the history of how Dispel came into being.

We used the imagery of a just and lawful Templar knight in our music videos to further tell the story—soul-searching for knowledge, for truth. Always seeking the secret of music… our music? All music. It’s an eternal quest, one that resonates deeply within us all.

Plague Dr. Templar Knight, The Sorceress - Dispel Inferno

Plague Dr. Templar Knight, The Sorceress – Dispel Inferno

Ah yes, the Secret of Music—much like the riddle of steel (for all the Conan the Barbarian fans out there). For our next album ‘INFERNO’, we reached out to our loyal fanbase through Kickstarter, seeking support for this evolving chapter. Fortunately, the community we had built stood strong, and two of our dedicated fans even took on the roles of executive producers! It was a humbling moment, knowing our music had resonated so deeply with them.

We’ve always aimed to offer music with a message—something more profound than what you hear on mainstream radio. Like the hidden gems I had to search for as a teen, the best things in life are often discovered, not served up. Our sound was evolving, and so was our vision. We had survived our own Hero’s Journey, and now it was time to embark on yet another epic quest. Still, the search for the Secret of Music continued.

Then, the Plague swept across the lands…



It was then, hidden on a dusty, cobweb-ridden bookshelf, that we found the next step in our quest: a manuscript from the early Renaissance (circa 1300 A.D.), one of the greatest pieces of world literature—Dante’s Inferno. After thorough reading, note-taking, and deep study, it became clear that this masterpiece, a two-part epic written entirely in poetic verse, would be our guide. But how does one transform a literary giant into song?

It was an enormous task—a risky one—but with great risk comes great reward. Over two and a half years, we toiled, writing music and lyrics that drew directly from Dante’s verses. It felt like poetic justice. As we descended into the Inferno, the world above was gripped by chaos: a virus, engineered by dark forces, vied for control of nations, while we sought control over harmony and meaning through art.

Art reflects society, and so it felt fitting to feature the Plague Doctor—a symbol of wisdom, healing, and his own version of poetic justice. As the world grappled with uncertainty, he became a figure that mirrored the times.

On the home front, Ravensea was in South Africa, earning her Master’s in Music Therapy. There, with the help of a group of local luminaries, we filmed our first power ballad, Glasya’s Heresy. The journey continues, both musically and spiritually.

Glasya - Inferno Dispel

Glasya’s Heresy – ‘Inferno’ Dispel

The Giant Leap Forward

Here we stand, on the precipice of our new album and a bold new direction for the band. We’ve always embraced theatrical imagery, but now we’re ready to take it to the next level—enter the Rock Opera. Behind the scenes, we’re diligently crafting something unique, something full of risk, full of faith, and grounded in a deep understanding of the Secret of Music.

Our first animated music video offers a powerful glimpse into the Inferno album and the vision we’re moving toward. Armed with the knowledge of the Secret of Music, we invite you to join us on this musical adventure.

What is the Secret of Music, you ask? Since the dawn of humanity, music has been essential—why? Because music is instrumental to our emotional well-being. It connects us, moves us, and stirs something deep within, making it as vital to the soul as air is to the body.

The Sorceress, Ravensea

The Sorceress, Ravensea


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