The Story behind the music, your journey is the Hero’s Journey…

Comments: 26

Dispel Templar – art by Scott ‘Wizardfool’ Stearns

We sincerely hope you’re enjoying the music we sent, and we are humbled & honored that you’ve joined us on this Musical Journey! We wanted to share some of our story and we honestly believe you’ll be able to relate, and will understand where we’re coming from. Let’s Begin…

Ever have times in your life, perhaps fleeting moments that seem to leave a lasting impression? It seems when we focus on what really inspires us, which is not an easy task! If we can listen to that inner inspiration, be it strength, courage, or virtue and finally heed that inner voice, interesting things take shape.

I often wonder where do these inner drives and longings come from, perhaps it’s a voice from the past, our distant past? Here we are in the 21st century, but the only things that resonate with me are the legends, lore and imagery of the Ancient, Medieval and Gothic ages. Can you relate? Having always heard the beat of a different drummer, quite literally; I knew I had to find a way to really connect, or perhaps contribute to this longing. But how?

As a youngster I was extremely fortunate to get drum lessons (thank you Mom). I knew there was something unique about music, like an alchemist discovering the 7th element. I wanted music to be an outlet to reach others, a potential bridge to my lost tribe. But what is the tribe of a pencil thin, socially awkward nerd? I soon discovered Dungeons & Dragons and my imagination blew up. Have you ever been into a hobby; where it completely absorbs you? Yet something was still missing, it was the music I heard on the radio, it was just not cutting it. Then like a blessing from Heaven I heard ‘Rush’, then ‘Iron Maiden’. I can remember being in awe, so amazed that there were bands that wrote songs about Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Classical literature. Finally after hearing ‘Black Sabbath’, music and guitar would never be the same. It was about this time that friends told me to read ‘The Lord of the Rings.’ My fate as a nerd was sealed! I instantly felt a kinship to this music, these stories and wanted to remain in that atmosphere. But how? Can I make music merge with Medieval fantasy? I had to figure out how. It became my personal Quest…

Dispel Angel – art by Scott ‘Wizardfool’ Stearns

The quest began in earnest and I embraced drumming with religious furor. It was during these early years that tragedy then struck our family; my younger Sister Beckilyn, became deathly ill with Kidney disease, it cut her life short and to this day I struggle to understand and accept why someone you love has to suffer. But the memories we shared of epic Dungeon & Dragon games, really created a unique bond between us. In fact we wrote a fantasy inspired song together. This simple song was the seed that hatched ‘Dispel’! I’ll share that song and more about my Sister in a later blog.

As an outlet and coping mechanism, I explored the underground hardcore punk scene and the recreational drugs and alcohol associated with it. Fortunately, that abuse was only recreational. Soon I began drumming behind a band called ‘Face Value.’ Which gave me a valuable glimpse towards my personal quest. Surrounded by troubled Punk youth, we were all looking to connect to some lost tribe. The band actually had a solid line-up and because of a well received 1st album, we ending up touring Europe. Immersed in historic European culture and awe inspiring architecture, I was a hopeful 24 year old who was beyond appreciative. Or, maybe it was that first taste of Jägermeister in Germany?! In an atmospheric Goth club in Berlin, I discovered another clue towards my quest, Goth music; it really left an impression, far more than I could know at the time.

That leg of the journey lead to seven years of paying hard dues, a squatter lifestyle, a ridiculous practice schedule, hauling trailers full of gear, and one van break down after another. It was after one final debilitating van break down, which claimed my last few remaining dollars; I realized I was dedicated to a lost cause. I thought if you gave your everything and dedication to something it would manifest? But in reality when your goals are not inline with the people you’re working with, it can create more struggle. This is true in so many circumstances, relationships, partnerships and beyond. A lack of stability and an unhealthy focus on the small details can obscured the big picture. I left the band ‘Face Value’, never to return. After years of hard work, I failed in my Quest….But did I?

Templar Two – Art by Scott ‘Wizard Fool’ Stearns

The next few decades were about rebuilding, a degree in music, a recording studio internship and scraping out a living as bartender and Dj. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was all part of the quest. I was becoming more prepared, retraining. During this time I read books by Joseph Campbell, ‘The Power of Myth’ and ‘The Hero with a Thousand faces’, in which he discusses the ‘Hero’s Journey.’ An archetype shared by world mythologies. He said to “Follow your Bliss”, It really helped to give me focus and direction. Are there turning points in YOUR life, or books that inspired you forward?

I began to understand, there are supposed to be challenges to face. When seeking our goals and dreams, they must be earned. It’s all part of the Human condition, we must learn and pass our own specific tests. The Ancients all faced their ‘Hero’s Journeys’ so must we.

I could no longer refuse the call. It was time to step into the unknown and write my own music. So why not write about the Journey? ‘The Hero’s Journey!’ Finally, after two decades I resumed The Quest, but this time around understanding what ‘The Hero’s Journey’ was.


'Lore' cover by Scott 'Wizardfool' Stearns

‘Lore’ cover by Scott ‘Wizardfool’ Stearns

I think there’s a part inside all of us that is vulnerable, perhaps that’s the reason we so often refuse the call. Whether we take the ‘Hero’s’ Journey’ willingly, or worse; we don’t and later succumb to regret. We ALL have to face our challenges and make the best out of what we are given. It’s a Responsibility given to every person born of this Earth, and that’s indeed a tough hand to be dealt.

So in conclusion, we are happy to present a piece of work the took a lifetime to realize, our premier Album “LORE”.

In closing, what is the challenge, goal or purpose in front of you? Are you reflecting, struggling, or actively engaging towards your personal vision? It is in this Spirit, that I honor and encourage that hidden strength inside of YOU. My deepest wish is that our music, shaped by the essence of the hero’s quest, may inspire you to take that next step into the unknown, to follow your inner voice. Your personal quest awaits, so embrace it, and ‘Attack your Destiny!’

Please share some of your insights, struggles, or triumphs as part of our community in the comments below…!


  • Patric Chenaux says:

    Thank you for this interesting testimony. If we summed up in search, that’s normal. To deepen, I prefer in MP. I look forward to discovering your music even better.

  • Dennis l Simpson jr says:

    I liked your song,growing up i dreamt about being a knight,so cool

    • Dispel says:

      Hey Dennis, Thank you. I can so relate, honestly the music video was a dream of mine to contribute in some way to the Heroic Fantasy genre.
      It’s hard to find cool and not cheesy Fantasy/Medieval stuff to watch.

      • daniel payne says:

        That was beautiful, we all have a dream. A vision to follow I have mine of course, and Im trying to stay on the path, by staying true to myself. Good luck I hope you realise your quest. Just remember that music is a powerful, magical, thing and not to be taken lightly.

        • Dispel says:

          Hey Daniel, thanks for the comment! Sounds like you are well on your way.
          Very glad to hear that. Staying true to yourself let’s the Universe know you mean
          buisness. And Yes, music is powerful and glorious…

        • swampy says:

          Thank you that was really a great read I spent years doing various jobs but inside there is always something missing a longing to help people I realise I needed to do something about this when I was changing jobs I had a nice job lined up very good pay the voice inside told me I wouldn’t be happy I knew some people at the hospital and they told me that they were looking for new applicants so I applied and and I got the job after training work on a hospital ward I’m so glad I listen to my inner voice and didn’t just go for the pay even though it’s half what I would I got on the other job it has made me really happy 20 years it took me to actually realised I need to do something about the way I was feeling so glad I did and yes I like your music thank you for giving me the chance to have a listen

          • Dispel says:

            Hi SwampyPaul, thank you for sharing your journey! Very impressive, so many people do not heed that inner voice. Clearly you made the right call. Even though it took a few years, you ended up where you were meant to be. Seems it does take a journey to find our true path. Your story is an inspiration, keep up the good work and you truly are a hero; working in a Hospital ward! Thank you for the kind words about our music too, We’re working on our 2nd album now….Be safe and rock on!!!

      • Joe Beer says:

        Are all things as a kid dreams?.
        We dream of so much an yet find it hard to hold our dreams down when we grow older…living a dream is just being happy with what you have.

        This is the dream.


        • Dispel says:

          Hey Joe, Thank you for sharing your insight. Indeed being happy with what you have, can provide some powerful and beneficial gratitude 🙂
          Rock on!

  • Terry Augar says:

    Wow !!! Yes, I love female vocals in Goth/Rock, The video is just amazing!!
    The snippets of the tracks certainly wets the appetite, keep up the Celtic dream…Courageous convictions will drag your dream into existence !!!

    • Dispel says:

      Hey Terry, thank you for the kind words. The Videos are alot of work, but damn it’s so rewarding
      to see the finished result!
      We are so down with how you describe,”Celtic Dreams, and Courageous Convictions”
      YES we understand and agree 100%, Amen Brother!!!

    • alan brown says:

      An interesting story, we all are in search of our own star, sadly some don’t realise this, of slaying dragons and chasing dreams just over the rainbow. Of striving to be better at what you do, not for others but for yourself.

      Keep tilting at windmills.

      • Dispel says:

        Alan, thank you for the reply. Don Quixote certainly approves of your Message : ) Here’s to Windmills that are active and robust, churning great bounty…

  • Paul Warbrick says:

    wise words indeed. i feel a certain connection when i listen to CELTIC/ROCK/FOLK Music.
    i channel my inner dark side by listening to female. goth, etheral, vocal bands & solo artists

    • Dispel says:

      Hey Paul, Thanks for the feedback. We can definitely relate to the music styles you mentioned. Can’t go wrong with anything Celtic or Darker!

  • Richard says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! It is my belief that all of us are on a Hero’s Journey. The difference is those of us that recognize it and wake up to the archetypes and draw power through them to press on. Learn the lessons that are the keys to the next chapter of the story.

    • Dispel says:

      Hey Richard, thank you for your insight! I have to agree 100% with your revelation. It’s so true, but modern society as a whole has lost this important connection to this powerful Archetype! Rock on…

  • We are ecstatic to find you in such a vast web world and want to help others discover your craft.

  • Martin says:

    I too share your passion for gothicism, ancient history and fantasy. I think I’m a true Romantic to my core. But alas, I’ve never found my niche in life, some of us are eternal square pegs in round holes when it comes to employment opportunities in the early twenty first century! But I have been lucky enough to study and indulge my interests in art, literature, archaeology and music my lifetime and have lived through a fascinating period for the arts, been to some great gigs and travelled a bit. As Oscar Wilde says: “We are all in the gutter. But some of us are looking at the stars.”

    • Dispel says:

      Hey Martin, Wow thanks for sharing! It’s refreshing to know there are others in our displaced tribe out there, doing their best to find their way among all the mainstream homogination, imitation and lack or originality. It surely sounds like you are the right path! As Joseph Campbell famously said “Find your Bliss.”

  • Christopher R. Cook says:

    I am an Adjunct English Professor at a community college, and when I teach ENG 102 (Ideas and Values in Literature), I usually discuss Campbell’s Hero’s Journey in tandem with fantasy and fairytales. I have always found it fascinating, and it definitely applies to all of us because even if we aren’t princes or princesses living in a world of witches, wizards, faeries, trolls, ogres, dragons, and so forth, that doesn’t mean that we don’t have heroes inside of us. Many, if not all, of us have times in our lives when we have to accept callings and step up to challenges, so reading about the Hero’s Journey can definitely be inspiring.

    • Dispel says:

      Christopher, Thank you for the input. What a great insight!
      We are so honored to have an Adjunct English Professor explain this so
      eloquently, We couldn’t agree more.
      Btw, Your class sounds amazing, your students must really feel inspired! A+

  • David Willsher says:

    i remember my friend explaining to me how D&D rules work, he was talking to me for awhile about it. i kept saying i don’t think i would be any good at it and it’s not my type of game… even though i am a out going person the thing was it was so out of my comfort zone. However, he wore me down and i agreed to attend his group…. thank god i did!!! as i not only found i have a really passion for the game but i met a new family that i belong too. we even started a D&D group from some of our work friends. Now i see the world so differently, Even in Music. i can clearly hear and feel your passion. Your music and your journey is inspiring. Please keep up the great work. i am in love with this fantasy world that we can bring to life , through games and with music. thank you Dispel

    • Dispel says:

      David, Wow, we are so humbled by your kind and inspiring words. It’s funny how a simple game can create a real positive change in one’s life.
      Nothing like sparking that imagination! I really think you nailed it with “bring the fantasy world to life!” That describes it so eloquently, rock on Brother!

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